Babagan Kita - Guangzhou Meiyi Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.

Guangzhou Meiyi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.  didegaké ing 2014, dununge ing Panyu Guanghzhou, ibukutha game console ing China. Kita minangka perusahaan peralatan hiburan sing fokus ing independen, riset, pengembangan, produksi, penjualan lan layanan.
Pabrik jembaré 1500 meter persegi, nduwe 3000 ruang pameran persegi, produk utama kami kalebu koin 3D 3D sing dioperasikake karo koin, mesin game arcade basket, mesin lollipop vending, mesin kapsul vending, mesin ball shot, mesin banyu nembak, bajak laut pertempuran bajak laut mesin, mesin game hoki udara, mesin crane craw boneka, mesin balap simulator lan mesin pemotretan simulator, mesin game memancing arcade, mesin lotre, mesin tebusan lsp. kabeh jinis mesin game arcade sing dioperasikake koin, game njero ruangan, taman bocah lan pusat hiburan mesin game. Kabeh produk diprodhuksi kanthi ketat miturut standar kualitas internasional, Kanthi rega sing cukup lan macem-macem pilihan produk uga layanan pelanggan sing ramah, produk kasebut populer ing pasar domestik lan diekspor menyang Amerika Serikat, Asia, Eropa, Australia, Timur Tengah lan Timur Tengah uga, luwih saka 30 negara.


Company in good faith and innovation are our business principal, quality and service are the fundamental in our existence.Over the years, we have been dedicated to developing different new products. Our focus is on R&D, ensuring that we provide our customers with top quality and innovative products.With sound business credit, excellent after-sales service, Our staff members with full experience in this industry always make every effort to solve the problems and achieve the customers’ highest satisfaction. we have earned an excellent reputation among our customers .We will summarize the successful experience, lead the fashion, and innovation for the industry to develop more unique products. We are looking forward to cooperating with more clients worldwide for common development and mutual benefits. Welcome OEM&ODM order and distributor from all over the world  to visit and cooperate with us!